Friday, September 9, 2016

2014 Halloween Decorations

My 2014 decorations. 

She is made from a wooden T shape attached to a wood base with two coat hangers attached and shaped to make her arms.

Yep it's a fish tank. Our fishy went to fish heaven.

My feance' made all of my tombstones for me and they are all painted by me.

I smell a rat! teehee

Hair gel and scary teeth from the dollar tree. This was an olive container. 

Hair gel + green food coloring + old olive container + plastic fingers from the dollar tree makes a spectacular witchy decor next to my cauldron.

Stapled dollar tree bugs on the fence. A few sticks and a styrofoam craft circle makes a cute little ravens cage. 

Printed on reg copy paper then mod podged onto thin boards. I used jute string for the hangers

Porcelain doll body transformed into a voodoo doll. How adorable is this though! So happy with how he turned out!!

The only thing store bought on this witch is her face, hair, stockings, and hat. She's made from a T pieces of wood. Her head and body is stuffed with grocery bags. Her legs are pool noodles. Her arms from elbow down are wire coat hangers with stuffed gloves attached to the ends. 

A MASTERPIECE and I miss her! We use a store bought witch now. :( RIP you beautiful girl! 

Yep these are your typical solar lights you buy anywhere. I cut circles out of an old white sheet, used a sharpie for their faces, unscrewed the lid, slid the sheets in then screwed the lid back on. Cute right?!?

 My Handsome cat loves Halloween decorating because mom stops and loves him every few minutes.

Homemade dummy. Store bought mask, old clothes and bags used as stuffing. You don't have to pay upwards of 100$ for a decent dummy! Get creative and use your imagination!

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